Friday, June 8, 2012

Spring Break and a Car Ride

We had a real good spring break earlier. Sammie had a really good time too. I swear she was smiling in the first picture! Anyways, we had a really good time with family and enjoyed the break from school. Dear PJ devoted most of his break to working. He is such a wonderful husband to me and always takes such good care of me. I am the luckiest girl to have been able to find and be married to such a wonderful man who is so fun, loving, and caring! I'd be lost without him! I pray that every woman is able to find such a man. I love you PJ!!!!!


Sorry it's been so started and I am never good about updating anything ;) Anyways, I just thought that I would share some pictures of Sammie and the little moments we've been having with her. She has been such a blessing in PJ's and my life and we don't know what we would do without her. She has the biggest personality and is always ready to have fun. She is extremely smart too! She knows come, sit, stay, lay down, role over, sit up, jump, dance, and please. She plays soccer with a big bouncy ball outside and plays hide-and-seek with PJ all the time. We couldn't have asked for a better, loving dog :)