Friday, July 6, 2012

Super Heroes!!!

PJ and I are taking a Sociology of Religion class together in which we had to put together a fake religion and incorporate some of what we were taught in the class throughout the semester. Our group made up Superheroism. We dressed all up and made a video that showed who we are and our strengths as a group. Even Sammie dressed up! It was a ton of fun! And we got a lot of good reactions from other people. The super heroes in this group includes Cpt. Canada, Mediocre Man, Cat Lady, Spider Dude, The Green Flashight (PJ), Visa-Girl (Me-Charity), and The Piddler (Sammie). We aren't quite done yet with the video, but I was excited to share our creativity. It made me feel like when we used to remake our favorite movies as kids with our own little camera and whatever else we could find.

A Visit from Mom and Dad Sager

PJ's parents came and visited us this last weekend during their road trip. They stayed for a few days and spoiled us. They took us out to dinner and a movie one night. The next day we went to Rexburg Rapids and soaked in the sun. Rich barbecued some delicious dinners for us and Lana cleaned my dishes and kitchen lol I felt real bad that we were still busy with homework while they were here but we were still able to spend a good amount of quality and precious time together. We really do miss our beloved family members and living close to them. Sammie also enjoyed having Grandma and Grandpa Sager over too. She got spoiled :) Oh yes, and PJ decided that he wanted a little bit of salad with his dressing one night for dinner. He got a little excited.